We plan to build remarkable facilities for you

Construction and renovation of modern facilities requires a remarkable team effort. The complex tasks that are required demand close coordination of a rich diversity of laborers, skilled tradesmen, supervisors, inspectors, vendors/suppliers, accountants, engineers, business owners — the list goes on and on. From start to finish, so many things must go right, and can go wrong, to bring the initial planning and design to fruition.

All this begins with careful planning up front. When a request for proposal/request for quote is issued by facility owners and their engineering consultants, the important work of each bidding trade begins. We understand that our careful analysis of bid documents and preparation of a meticulous, responsible proposals is an important contribution to the overall effort to renovate existing and build new facilities.

Whether the job is big or small, we take this process seriously and guarantee that we never just "wing it" when submitting our bid and proposal documents, all our work is carefully thought out, prepared, and presented.

Using the right tools

As tradesmen and even DIY'ers know, having the right tools and the skills to use them is essential to quality construction work. The same is true in the office when preparing bid/proposal documents and planning to perform that work once awarded. In coordination with our business partners, we use the best and latest tools from the start of our work on project proposals and preparation to begin work we are awarded, to include:

  • Estimating and takeoff software
  • 3D CADD software
  • Construction Cost and Manpower Estimating Software
  • Construction Management Software
  • Construction Accounting Software
  • Project Management and Scheduling Software
  • Spreadsheet, database and document preparation software

Bringing diligence & experience together

Wanting to do a good job and even having the right tools is not enough, experience counts. Our staff is young enough to have grown up with today's technology tools, but experienced enough to know how to expertly apply them. And being a small business, while we may not have all that we need in-house for the really big jobs, we team with trusted partners who fill any gaps.

Prompt, accurate, expert technical documents

Once we do research and analysis of plans, drawings, and specifications and complete manpower/scheduling and cost estimates, we carefully package all that information in expertly prepared price quote and bid proposal documents. Then submitted promptly and accurately so that general contractors have sufficient time to review and consolidate our bids in their overall proposal package.

Once awarded the job, we are diligent to accurately report our progress and submit accounting documents, aided by our familiarity with on-line construction mangement systems such as Procure. Finally, once the job is complete, we promptly prepare and submit any final project documentation such as Operating Manuals. The clean, clear technical documents we provide ensure that the job is properly documented from start to completion.

After action reviews

Finally, whether or not we are awarded the job, we review our work and solicit feedback from prospective clients and general contractors to understand what we did well, and where we can improve. All because we love what we do and really look forward to doing work for you soon!

If you have any plumbing needs, please use our Contact Us form, e-mail, or call us at 571-365-1674.

Smiling woman on telephone

Commercial and Residential Plumbing Services for the Northern Virginia area.

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